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Chapter 20: Defying The Stars (Part 1)

Sarah shifted against the headboard, balancing the laptop precariously on her thighs. She tugged the too-short sleeves down over her wrists, trying in vain to warm the chill that had settled into her bones as she clicked through the entertainment gossip sites she'd pulled up.

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Her reverie shattered as the entertainment segment ended and transitioned to the local news recap. The sickly-sweet tones of the perky blonde anchor, Christine Everhart, cut through the silence like knives.
"...still no official statement from the New York Fire Department regarding the cause of the explosion that critically injured Bucky Barnes," her voice droned through the tinny speakers. "But new details continue to emerge about the torturous scenario that left him fighting for his life."

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The image cut away from the immaculately coiffed anchor to a candid shot from the ‘Superhero Meets Hollywood Romance’ shoot, with Sarah beaming for the camera, flanked on one side by Bucky, his arm slung casually around her shoulders.
"And in a shocking development that could rival any soap opera, two of Earth’s mightiest heroes are not only fighting for their lives, but are also entangled in what now could be a salacious love pentagon… We’ve received word that fallen starlet Sarah Carter was caught sneaking into Captain Rogers’ private hospital suite in what can only be described as an attempt to remain inconspicuous.”

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Sarah’s blood turned to ice in her veins as the anchor prattled on. CCTV and shaky-cam footage filled the screen—unmistakably her, though decked in a brown baseball cap and black face mask, sneaking down the hallway into the restricted area.
“Inside sources claim the actress, recently released from custody on DUI and drug charges, arrived at the hospital late Tuesday night. And while Miss Carter was not on the approved visitors list, after checking in with boyfriend Bucky Barnes, a trip down the hall proved to be far too tempting…”
“DUI,” Sarah scoffed, rolling her eyes. “Oh, yeah. You’re a real Diane Sawyer, Christine. Good job on your fact-checking.”
“…What’s more is the mystery woman found lurking around Sergeant Barnes’ suite…”
The footage shifted again, this time to a grainy video still of an unknown woman.
“The unknown brunette appeared anxious and was observed leaving a token at Barnes’ bedside before disappearing into the early-morning rush.”
Cat,” Sarah thought, slowly piecing together the mystery behind the little gift she’d found on Bucky’s nightstand.

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“…Now if you ask me, this sounds like a recipe for disaster and could only end in heartbreak. Will Steve Rogers face backlash, yet again, from his beloved America? And will his cohorts support him during this time, or will we witness another Civil War break out between the Avengers? Of course, if that were to happen, sources say it would mean the official disbandment of the Avengers…”
Sarah slammed the laptop shut with a trembling hand, the sharp clap echoing through the room. The rumours couldn't be true. The Avengers disbanded? It didn't seem possible, and yet a knot of dread twisted in her gut. She knew how ruthless S.H.I.E.L.D. could be when scandal threatened its reputation.
When Sharon first started, a fellow agent was suspected of terrorism and subsequently fired… And all it took was a vacation to the Middle East. Everything was kept under wraps; no one ever found out the true story. Because that’s how the higher-ups operated. A whiff of drama, and boom, you’re done.
Her stomach churned. She wasn't just bringing heat on herself; she was dragging Steve and Bucky down with her. Down into a pit of drama and controversy. Their careers now in jeopardy because of her. S.HI.E.L.D. would never stand for such antics and tabloid-worthy shenanigans. They prized professionalism and discretion above all else.

Sarah’s heart thudded in her chest, though she wasn't sure if it was from nerves or simply the familiar exertion after a week on lockdown in the rehab facility. She clutched the pass granting her temporary access to the VIP wing, the plastic badge crinkling in her grip. The printed letters halfway blurred in her field of vision—a combination of spent tears and sheer emotional exhaustion.
Her gaze flicked up as she neared the fork in the hallway; one branch leading to Steve’s suite, the other to Bucky’s. Her steps faltered, the prospect of seeing them again hooked up to wires and tubes making her throat constrict.
Swallowing hard, she forced herself to turn to the right, her feet carrying her towards Bucky’s suite. A twinge of guilt resurfaced, but she pushed it aside. She could only handle so much right now. 

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Easing through the doorway, she froze for a beat, scanning Bucky’s motionless body amid the tangle of tubes and wires. But then her eyes landed on his face, and she let out a sharp exhale. Gone were the cuts and contusions from the blast. His chiselled features had regained their cheeky handsomeness, and a faint dusting of brown hair was beginning to fuzz over his scalp once more.
A fragile smile tugged at the corners of Sarah’s lips as relief washed over her. He was healing… Which meant Steve was too. Thank God for the Super Soldier Serum.

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Sinking into the vinyl recliner beside the bed, she reached out to gently take his hand. It was warm to the touch rather than the clammy chill she had dreaded. As her thumb stroked over his knuckles, her eyes drank in every flicker of life—the steady rise and fall of his chest, the muscle twitches in his forearm, his eyelids fluttering faintly.
Tears burned in her eyes again, but this time they were born of hope, not sorrow. She was back, and she wasn't going anywhere until Bucky opened those eyes and finally looked at her again.
The first few days blurred together in a haze of exhaustion. Sarah barely left Bucky’s bedside, her body moulded to the stiff recliner. She dozed intermittently when she could no longer keep her eyes open, jerking awake at every beep of the monitors.
Nurses drifted in and out, checking vitals and changing IV bags. Sarah tried to smile at them, but it never quite reached her eyes. She was existing in yet another sterile space, waiting for the moment Bucky regained consciousness.
Sometimes muffled voices filtered in from the hallway, likely visitors for other patients. She strained to listen, her heart seizing up whenever she caught the familiar lilt of her sister's voice.
Not a day passed without hearing her in the hallway. Sharon remained steadfast in her vigil, not giving Sarah much of an opportunity to even think about sneaking in.

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 On the fifth day, fatigue had firmly set in. Sarah’s eyes burned from sleepless nights, her back screaming from the awkward position she contorted herself into night after night. She shifted restlessly, trying in vain to find a bearable angle that didn't put agonising pressure on her lower spine. A hopeless endeavour. The vinyl chair may as well have been crafted from concrete for all the mercy it showed.
As much as she longed to be awake and present when Bucky finally opened his eyes, she was fading fast. Her eyes slipped shut of their own accord, her chin dipping towards her chest. Within moments, she succumbed to the heavy cloak of exhaustion.

The unfamiliar mechanical hiss slowly dragged Bucky back to consciousness. His eyelids felt glued together, every blink requiring monumental effort. Gradually, the dark haze clouding his vision began to clear.

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His eyes continued roaming groggily until they landed on a sleeping figure in the recliner beside his bed. Sarah was slumped there, stuck in an uncomfortable position. Even in his disoriented state, the sight of her dishevelled hair and slightly parted lips made his chest constrict, the ghost of a smile crossing his face.
His right arm felt like dead weight, but he managed to lift it fractionally, fingers splaying as he reached out for her.
As his surroundings gradually came into focus, realisation set in. This wasn't one of their living rooms or bedroom sanctuaries. His hand froze, suspended in midair as his gaze tracked the tangle of tubes and wires snaking away from his body. The shrill blare of a heart monitor punctured the silence, its staccato beeping echoing the frantic thrumming in his own chest.
He was in a hospital...

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On the nightstand beside him was a cactus pot plant with a gift card saying, “Get well soon –Cat”.
The revelation struck him with the force of a physical blow, stealing what little air remained in his lungs. His eyes slammed shut again, panic clawing at his throat. Memories were there, just beyond his reach, lurking beneath the drug-induced fog clouding his brain.
“W-what am I…?” he rasped.
Primal instinct took over, his muscles tensing reflexively despite the dull ache in his body. He had to get up. Rational thought was suffocated by adrenaline and panic.
Just as his trembling limbs began to shift, a pair of firm yet gentle hands seized his shoulders, anchoring him in place.
"Easy, Bucky... You're going to be okay," she murmured. "I'm right here. Just breathe with me, okay? Nice and slow..."
Pain... there had been searing, blinding pain. An explosion—no, a detonation powerful enough to blow off his arm. The memory made him flinch violently, his heart monitor spiking into a frenzy once more.

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“The explosion…” he breathed, squeezing his eyes shut as fragmented scenes flickered through his addled mind like a nightmarish slideshow.
“Yeah, you guys gave us quite the scare.”
With a massive exertion of effort, his eyes fluttered open again, seeking Sarah’s gaze with bleary desperation. He needed to know, no matter how excruciating the truth may be.
“Sam and Sharon… They make it out okay?”
A flicker of sadness passed over Sarah’s features, there and gone in a heartbeat. But it was enough to make Bucky’s breath hitch in dread.
"Yeah, no, they’re fine..." She paused, clearly weighing her words with care. "I was actually talking about Steve. He’s… down the hall."
“There was an incident on the Helicarrier. But don’t you worry about that right now; he’ll be fine. You just focus on getting better, alright?”

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Bucky didn't have the strength to push her right now. Bone-deep fatigue was rapidly setting in, leeching away at his consciousness. As his eyelids drooped, he felt the whisper of Sarah’s lips against his forehead.

Once word got out that Steve, too, had regained consciousness, Maria Hill arranged a meeting in a private conference room at the hospital. Bucky shifted in his wheelchair, the plush robe soft against his bandaged torso. Beside him, Steve was settled in a matching chair, looking a little less ill at ease. As if he’d been through this before. Which, unbeknownst to Bucky, he had.
The heavy glass door swung open, admitting Victoria Steele, S.H.I.E.L.D.’s pugnacious PR bulldog. She swept into the room, nicely tailored slacks and silk blouse. A rosy-cheeked young aide scurried in her wake, arms laden with briefing portfolios, tech gadgets, and what looked like glossy magazines.

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"Gentlemen," Victoria greeted with a tight smile that didn't reach her eyes. "I trust you're feeling up to this?"
It wasn't a question. Her tone suggested there was no choice but to forge ahead. Steve and Bucky exchanged a weary look before giving terse nods.
"Excellent." She dropped into a chair, steepling her manicured fingertips. "Let's start by rerouting this narrative. It’s essential that we get ahead of this media firestorm before the rumour mill grinds you two into hamburger. And let's be blunt, the optics aren’t great with what went down."
Steve’s jaw tightened. Even without knowing ‘what went down’ with Sarah’s drug bust and subsequent arrest, he just knew she had something to do with this coerced meeting. Bucky, however, remained oblivious.

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Victoria slapped a glossy magazine on the conference table, her gaze flickering between the two soldiers.
“This right here… This shit’s dragging you down… Dragging S.H.I.E.L.D. down…”
Steve tentatively reached for the magazine, his heart plummeting upon reading the headline:
“Sarah Carter: Good Girl Gone Bad”
Without giving either of them a chance to read the featured article, Victoria proceeded with her briefing, flicking an expectant glance toward her assistant. The fresh-faced girl rushed to connect her laptop to the projector.
“So here’s how we’ll proceed… You’ll both draft status updates for Facebook, Instagram, and X. We’ll keep it simple for now; sticking to the Holy Trinity of social media.”
“Social media? No, I don’t think so,” Bucky rasped, voice still sandpaper-rough from smoke inhalation. “That shit’s for kids. I don’t do social media.”
“Well, you do now. With the news of your girlfriend’s arrest on the heels of a failed mission, we need to control the narrative before it spirals out of control.”
The aide straightened sharply, chiming in. "Actually, that's not the story trending right now."
All eyes cut toward the young girl as she tapped away at her laptop. With a few deft keystrokes, she had the projection screen flashing the latest viral social media clips and tabloid headlines from the past 72 hours. 

"...Carter vs Carter: The Fight For Cap’s Heart..." 

"...secret celebrity girlfriend caught in the act?" 

"Hollywood Royalty to Homewrecker: The Incredible Story Behind The Headlines!"

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Steve’s stomach clenched as a grainy video showed Sarah entering his private suite at 4 am, followed by a shaky video clip of a teary-eyed Sharon making her way through a throng of journalists.
Victoria let the montage of clips play out for several excruciating moments before silencing the room with a sweeping gesture.
"As you can see, we have a rapidly metastasizing PR crisis on our hands… Captain Rogers, you and Miss Carter… The other Carter, that is, will be moving into your brand new love nest with immediate effect. If anyone questions the rush, you’re simply too excited to start your new life together, she’s the only one you trust enough with your after-care, you don’t see any point in delaying the inevitable… Really, the possibilities are endless…”

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 Bucky whipped his head to Steve, who simply stared straight ahead, feeling numb. He struggled to understand why Steve was accepting the ramblings of this power-hungry, child-faced PR monster.
“As for you, Sergeant Barnes, you’re trusting the very stable, competent Sarah Carter with your recovery… You’ll be moving into the Avengers Compound.”
Seeming to take their silence as acquiescence, Victoria gestured toward her assistant once more. 
"Hayley will get you two set up with secure, sanitized social media accounts from which we'll begin remoulding the public perception. A few candid updates, some grateful well-wishes, maybe a photo or two..." She sketched out the plan with an airy flick of her wrist. 
The young aide stepped forward, passing them each an iPad with fresh X accounts already loaded. Steve stared at the blank posting field, cursor blinking expectantly. He felt Bucky’s sidelong glance but couldn't bring himself to meet it. After several beats of silence, he finally exhaled a shuddering breath and began to type.
“We are deeply humbled by the love and tremendous show of support. Your kindness means more than you know. Looking forward to getting back out there.”
Following his best friend’s lead, Bucky begrudgingly typed out an update of his own.
“It’ll take more than a missile to get rid of me. What is this, amateur hour?
Thanks for the well wishes.”

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