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Did you know?

Fun Facts (based on the OG comic book character):

- Bucky Barnes has served as Captain America on several occasions when Steve Rogers was unable to fulfil the role.

- He has a complicated relationship with Steve Rogers, alternating between being his trusted ally and adversary depending on the circumstances.

- Bucky has served as a member of various superhero teams, including the Invaders, the Avengers, and the Thunderbolts.

- Bucky has had romantic relationships with characters like Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow) and Sharon Carter in the comics.

- Bucky Barnes has undergone significant character development over the years, evolving from a sidekick and a villain to a complex and morally conflicted anti-hero in his own right.

Head canons I love:

- He has a fear of heights, stemming from a traumatic experience during a mission, but he tries to overcome it by skydiving and bungee jumping.

- Bucky is a skilled marksman and enjoys spending time at the shooting range, honing his skills with various firearms.

- He has a love for classic rock music and often listens to bands like The Beatles and The Rolling Stones while on missions.

- Bucky is an avid reader and enjoys reading science fiction and fantasy novels, escaping into imaginary worlds to take a break from reality.

- Bucky is a skilled strategist and enjoys playing chess with Steve Rogers, engaging in intense and competitive matches.

- He has a secret sweet tooth and enjoys indulging in desserts, particularly ice cream and chocolate.

- Barnes is fiercely loyal to his friends and teammates, willing to do whatever it takes to protect them and make amends for his past actions.



Bucky Barnes, also known as the Winter Soldier, exhibits a personality that aligns with the ISTP (Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving) personality type in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Introverted (I):

Bucky is portrayed as reserved and often introspective. He values his independence and solitude, especially during the period when he is trying to come to terms with his past actions as the Winter Soldier.

He tends to keep his emotions and inner thoughts guarded, only sharing them with a select few, such as his close friend Steve Rogers.

Sensing (S):

As a skilled and strategic soldier, Bucky is deeply connected to the present moment. His abilities as the Winter Soldier demonstrate his proficiency in using his senses to navigate and assess his environment.

He relies on practical, hands-on solutions to address challenges, reflecting a preference for concrete, tangible experiences.

Thinking (T):

Bucky often approaches situations with a logical and analytical mindset. He is straightforward in addressing problems, as seen in his interactions with Sam Wilson, where he questions the lack of a plan or strategy.

During his solo journey, Bucky engages in self-reflection, analyzing the events that transpired during his time as the Winter Soldier. His logical thinking is evident in his attempt to understand and come to terms with his past actions.

Perceiving (P):

Bucky tends to be adaptable and flexible in his approach to challenges. While he values structure and order, he can also adjust his strategies based on the evolving circumstances.

His solo experiences involve a degree of spontaneity and exploration as he grapples with his identity and seeks redemption. 

Analyzing Past Actions:

After being de-programmed, Bucky struggles with guilt and shame over his actions as the Winter Soldier. His analytical nature leads him to reflect on the past, seeking to understand and cope with the trauma inflicted upon him by HYDRA.

Bucky's journey involves a continuous process of self-analysis and self-discovery, as he tries to reconcile his former identity with the person he is striving to become.

Straightforward Communication:

Bucky is known for his direct and straightforward communication style. He doesn't hesitate to express his opinions or challenge others when he believes it is necessary, such as questioning Steve's decision to enlist in the military.

In summary, Bucky Barnes' ISTP personality type aligns with his logical, analytical approach to challenges, his adaptability, and his introspective nature as he grapples with the complexities of his past and seeks personal redemption.

Bucky Stories:

Modern Royalty

(Modern Royalty Spin-Off - TBA)

(Project ProClone - TBA)