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Chapter Nineteen: A Deal With The Devil

The double doors burst open as the EMT rushed through, frantically wheeling the gurney.

"We've got a male victim, early thirties, caught in the explosion down at the shipping terminal," he shouted to the team of doctors and nurses already converging. “Primary assessment reveals bilateral burns on the upper torso, extensive lacerations to the extremities, and decreased level of consciousness.”

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Dr Ramirez took one look at the patient, and her breath caught. Severe burns covered most of his exposed skin, the flesh an angry red with areas of blackened crisp. His face was almost unrecognisable, blistered and swollen, the hair on his head seared away.
"What are his vitals?" she asked, already pulling on gloves as they transferred him from the ambulance gurney.
"BP is seventy over forty and dropping, pulse thready at one-twenty.”
Ramirez nodded curtly, rushing him into the trauma room. "Get me the burn cart, cool saline for irrigation, and page Ortho for emergent surgery stat!”
“With all due respect, Doc, I don’t think Ortho’s needed here… The patient’s left arm wasn’t severed during the blast; amputation site shows no sign of trauma.”
As the nurses scrambled to follow orders, Ramirez leaned over the patient, her brows furrowed in suspicion. "Sir, can you hear me?” His eyes cracked open, more alert than expected, given his injuries. “Good Lord, I think this is James Barnes… Change of plan. Get the patient up to OR-2 in the VIP surgical wing.”

Not far from OR-2, Tony sat hunched in the hard plastic chair, elbows on his knees as he stared at the motionless body in the hospital bed. It was almost impossible to recognise Steve beneath the tangle of tubes and dressings.

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 The ventilator hissed with each forced breath, the rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor providing the only reassurance that Steve still clung to life, super soldier or not.
“Stupid question, but how is he?” Tony asked, seizing the opportunity when the on-call doctor came in to check his chart.
“Well, he’s stable for now. It was touch and go for a second there… Doubt he’d have made it without the serum.”
“It’s jarring seeing him this way,” he mused, inhaling a trembling breath. “You hear the term ‘super soldier’ and you immediately think ‘indestructible’.”
He pressed the back of his hand against his lips, stifling the unfamiliar swell of emotion as he studied the glimpse of Steve’s swollen, mangled face beneath the white gauze. IV lines snaked from the crooks of both arms, delivering antibiotics, fluids, and Banner’s special pain cocktail into his body. Nothing could have prepared the team for this, seeing two of the most invincible team members so vulnerable and broken.

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 Through sheer force of will, Tony pulled himself back together, leaning forward to hold Steve’s limp hand. “Hang in there, brother… We’re all right here.”
Tony shocked himself as the term of endearment slipped out of his mouth. Brother? Had he really just said that? In that moment, Tony realised that, yes, Steve had become so much more than a teammate over the years.
“I’d better go… Check in with the other patient. Call me when his condition changes; as far as I know, I’m still listed as his emergency contact.”
Giving Steve’s hand one final touch, he exited the ICU, steeling himself for the next challenge: facing the media outside the hospital.

Lily clutched her designer tote as she hopped out of the sleek sedan, catching Cece exiting the hotel. This was not a conversation she was looking forward to, but there was no avoiding it. Cece had to know what was going on.

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“Mother, have you heard the news? Sarah’s been arrested.”
Cece arched a sculpted brow, her lips pressed into a thin line. “And what are you doing about it?”
When it came to Sarah’s career, Cece had always been a no-nonsense, take-no-prisoners type of manager. Lily may have been the face of Sarah’s management team, but Cece was the master puppeteer, pulling strings from the shadows.
“As part of our plea agreement, she’s ordered to attend a treatment programme. I’ve already made the necessary arrangements and ensured discretion. Although, truth be told, I have misgivings about some of those younger officers.”
“Well, good. Problem solved…” Cece answered, checking her immaculate chignon in the reflection of her waiting car. I trust you and Casey have a plan in place for dealing with this, from a public relations standpoint?"
“Of course,” Lily nodded. “Our contingency plan includes a carefully worded statement acknowledging Sarah’s struggles and her commitment to getting the help she needs, and a few calculated public appearances at youth outreach events once she's completed treatment. We can spin this as a positive, redemptive narrative if we handle it properly."
"Our family legacy reduced to publicity spin... how far the mighty have fallen.”

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A muscle ticked in Lily’s jaw, her poise slipping for a moment. Disappointing Cece was the kiss of death. The last time one of Lily’s siblings had disappointed their mother, they were stripped of everything, banished from the family home without a dime to their name. To the Carters, failure was not an option… neither was disappointment.
“Never mind.” Cece cleared her throat, lifting her chin in a façade of regal stoicism. “All publicity is good publicity. Let’s dwell on the positives, shall we?”

Lily tapped her foot impatiently on the scuffed linoleum floor, willing the process to move faster. The sombre, fluorescent-lit halls of the county jail were enough to put even the most buoyant spirit into a sour mood. Not that Lily was prone to much buoyancy with Sarah’s antics, even if it had been several years since her last episode.
Finally, the reinforced door clanked open, and a bored-looking officer appeared. “Come with me,” he gestured with a subtle tilt of his head.
In the few seconds it took to reach Sarah, Lily had already mentally prepared her statement for the press, the modest outfit she’d wear—a below-the-knee skirt suit in an innocent shade of pink—and figured a way to use Bucky’s hospitalisation as a means to rake in some sympathy points from the public.
“She’s all yours, ma’am,” said the officer, opening the door to a sullen-looking Sarah.
Lily’s gaze swept over her niece with a harsh, critical glare. Sarah’s typically wavy blonde locks were dishevelled, her makeup smeared and raccoon-eyed from a night of tears. The designer dress she'd been wearing was now rumpled and stained.
Lily kept her expression as inscrutable as possible. “Thank you, Officer.”
Sarah kept her gaze lowered, nibbling anxiously on her lower lip as she shuffled forward. The acrid smell of stale alcohol wafting off of her.
"What fresh hell have you gotten yourself into this time? Damn it, Sarah, I thought we were done with all this. Possession and solicitation? Have you actually gone crazy this time?”
Lily’s venomous bite and glacial glare pinned Sarah in place. But there was nothing she could say that Sarah hadn’t already told herself. She hadn’t planned to go off the rails this way.
“Do you have any idea what this could do to your career… or the mess I have to clean up now? Casey, the lawyers, the damage control… Serious, respected actors don’t go around–”
“Again with my effing career,” Sarah groaned, all traces of humiliation gone.

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“Yes, again with your career. Don’t think, for one second, that I take pleasure in treating you like a petulant teenager. Recycling old lectures again and again… You know, I’ve just spent a hundred and fifty thousand dollars to get you out of here… I hope you’re proud of yourself.”
Sarah spun on her heel, glaring at Lily. “Yeah, 150k of my money. So maybe ease up on the hostility. Don’t pretend to be all magnanimous for bailing me out. That goes for both you and Cece.”
Knowing Sarah had her beat, Lily swallowed the lump in her throat, smoothing her hands over the silk scarf draped around her neck. It was time to play her trump card.
“Sarah, now’s hardly the time for histrionics. We need to get you to a treatment centre before 8 am. That’s the deal we got… And then I need to get back to your sister, who’s probably out of her mind with worry right now.”
Sarah frowned at the mention of Sharon being worried. What could possibly worry her? Deciding between Vera Wang and Oscar De La Renta wedding gowns? Did the happy couple want different destinations for their honeymoon?
“Ugh, cry me a river…” she thought, inwardly rolling her eyes.
“As it happens, Steve and James were both rushed to the hospital earlier this evening while you were out gallivanting. All I know for now is that Steve’s in the ICU; James is still in surgery.”
All the blood drained from Sarah’s face. This had to be a joke. A ploy the Carters devised to punish her.
“W-well, then that’s where I should be too, not some treatment centre!”
“Oh, that option went soaring out the window the second you got yourself thrown into the back seat of a squad car!” Lily spat, tossing a coat at Sarah for her walk of shame.

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“Lily… Lily, please…”
As Sarah’s eyes brimmed with unshed tears, Lily didn’t so much as blink. Deep down, however, a kernel of satisfaction took root. This was a power position, they both knew that, and Sarah was willing to make herself vulnerable for the sake of seeing her two loves.
“Please, I’ll do anything…” she continued, her voice quivering with desperation as she unintentionally made a deal with the devil reincarnate.
Satisfied, Lily allowed herself the barest ghost of a smirk. She had Sarah precisely where she wanted her—broken, beaten down, and utterly beholden to whatever whims Lily and Cece deemed necessary for salvaging her career. The game of keeping their petulant cash cow under control had begun anew.

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Sharon’s eyes traced the steady rise and fall of Steve’s bandaged chest, watching the ventilator force air into his lungs.
A soft hand came to rest on her shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. "You should go. I’ll stay with him."
Sharon shook her head at Nat’s suggestion. "I can't... I can't leave him." Her voice was a hoarse rasp. "What if... what if he wakes up and I'm not here?"
Nat’s eyebrow twitched at Sharon’s outward display of concern. It was far too much to be fake. Either that, or she was so fully committed to playing the role of Steve’s leading lady.
“Hm, the Carter sisters have more in common than they think,” Natasha thought.
Neither of them spoke again for a long while, maintaining their solemn vigil over their fallen teammate and friend. The only sounds were the hauntingly rhythmic beeps and whirs of the machines working relentlessly to keep Steve alive.

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Hours later, when Nat had finally managed to coax Sharon into going home for a brief rest, she found herself alone in the hospital suite. Her gaze drifted over the cuts, burns, and contusions on the exposed skin of Steve’s face and arms. He and Bucky both looked like they’d been to hell and back. Which, she supposed grimly, they very nearly had.
To avoid the press, Sharon exited the hospital through a back service entrance, bypassing the media frenzy outside the main foyer. This was precisely the swarm she'd been dreading. Of course, the vulturous media had already gotten wind of Steve’s terrible incident… which meant her sister couldn't be far behind.
Like a shark sensing blood in the water, Sarah would soon be arriving to shamelessly ride the coattails of Steve’s heroic struggle, capitalising on every ounce of public sympathy and pulling focus where it didn't belong. Or so Sharon believed, at least.
Just the thought of having to face her self-absorbed sibling's dramatics while Steve clung to life made Sharon’s empty stomach lurch. No. Not here... Not when he needed peace and protection more than anything.
Tucking her head down, Sharon passed the clamouring scrum of reporters, pulling out her phone to call up a number she hoped she could trust.
“Carter, I’ve been meaning to call. How’re you holding up?”
Grant Ward. Just enough of a wildcard to do as told without question. And if Sharon Carter’s the one making requests, he wasn’t about to object.

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“I don’t know. Barely,” she answered softly, massaging her temples. “I think the media hounds are making it worse.”
“Yeah, they’re all over the place here, too. It’s crazy, you don’t realise just how much of a celebrity those guys are and then–bam–it hits you square in the face.”
“Uh… yeah, Grant, great. Listen… I need your help.”
Sensing the urgency, Grant sought a private hallway to continue their conversation. “Of course. What can I do for you?”
“Can you set up a ring of security in and around the hospital? I don’t want any unexpected visitors… My sister, in particular. Keep her away. I think her presence would only rile up the media.”

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“Keep her away? Isn’t she supposed to be tight with Cap?”
Even for a questionable character like Grant, the idea of keeping Sarah away seemed confusing and needlessly cruel.
“Do you want to help me or not, Ward?” Sharon hissed.
“Yeah, no, I’ll… I’ll set it up.”
As far as Sharon was concerned, if Sarah wanted to barge her way in for sympathy-baiting and air-time, she had another thing coming. The sisterly claws were out with a vengeance. And this time, she wasn't going to just sit back and let Sarah’s whirlwind of chaos and destruction sweep through unchecked.

Lily’s heels clicked sharply against the polished tiles as she made her way down the corridor of the Ostroff Rehabilitation Centre. Despite the early hour, her appearance was immaculate as always—every strand of hair perfectly coiffed, not a wrinkle in her tailored pantsuit. The only tell of her inner disquiet was the tight grip on Sarah’s overnight bag she’d brought with her.
She paused outside Room 201, steeling herself for the encounter. After the previous night’s events, Lily braced herself for the worst. Sarah was in a volatile state, the worst she’d seen in years. Without bothering to knock, she let herself in.
The room was surprisingly sombre for a facility catering to the wealthy and famous. A simple double bed, a couch, a small wardrobe. No extravagances that might distract from the serious business of recovery.

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Sarah sat with her back against the headboard, gazing out the window. She wore soft grey sweats, her blonde tousled locks in far better condition than when Lily had found her at the precinct the previous evening. Despite the warmth of the morning sun streaming through the window, she had a weighted blanket wrapped tightly around her shoulders like armour.
“I’m not in the mood, Lily,” she said without turning, her voice flat and brittle.
Lily paused near the end of the bed, keeping a careful distance. This wasn't the explosive tirade she'd anticipated, but the undercurrent of resentment was evident enough. “Sarah, I’m sorry. I had no idea.”
“They physically escorted me out of there like a common criminal!” Sarah spat, finally whirling to face her aunt. “I needed to see them, Lily. To see for myself that they were..." Her voice cracked, and she swallowed hard.

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Lily’s mind raced. For once, she had nothing to do with whatever plan was set in place. “Well, they are high-profile patients. Of course, security’s tight. An approved visitors list is just good sense. They wouldn’t grant everyone—
“Yeah, except I’m the only one not on it! I barely made it past the lobby," Sarah cut her off, a bitter edge to her words. "Some rent-a-cop with a clipboard told me I wasn't on the list. Can you believe that? Me! You’d think the Carter name’d be good for something."
The rawness in Sarah’s voice made Lily wince. She'd seen Sarah in all sorts of crises before, but this... this was different. This wasn't about a bad review or a botched audition. This was a wound that went deeper than any tabloid headline could inflict. Still, she lacked the compassion to comfort her niece.
“Sarah, I think you’re overreacting.”
A mirthless laugh escaped Sarah, the blanket tightening around her like a vice. “Right. I show a little emotion and suddenly I’m overreacting. It’s like Groundhog Day with you people. Nothing ever changes.”
The silence that followed was heavy-laden with tension. And Lily, for all her strategic brilliance, found herself at a loss for what to do next. Channelling her inner Cece Carter, she retreated to the familiar ground of business.

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“Alright… How about this? How about you and I make a deal of our own? Promise me you’ll return to S.H.I.E.L.D.. No more running away… No more bickering, no more complaining…” she said, her tone firm but not completely unkind. “Do that, and I’ll speak to Nick about sneaking you in, in the morning.”
“Wha– no, you can’t do that!” Sarah protested, shrugging off the weighted blanket.
“Oh, honey. Believe me, I can.”
As Lily turned her back on Sarah, shutting down all chances at debate, Sarah remained motionless on her bed. In essence, this is what it all came down to. How far would you go, how much would you endure, for the one you love?
Her gaze drifted to the window, to the rolling green hills beyond, but she saw none of it. Instead, her mind's eye conjured an image of Steve—not as he lay now, broken and ravaged in a sterile hospital room, but as he'd been the last time she'd seen him. Vibrant, strong, full of life.
Then came another image—Bucky confessing his love to her before everything came crashing down. The memories burned through her like wildfire, searing away the haze of drugs and alcohol, the shame of her public disgrace.
She'd endure it all again, Sarah realised. The humiliation of arrest, the scathing headlines, the sneers of security guards… If it meant catching even the briefest glimpse of him, she would. To know he was still breathing, still fighting. Her pride, her image, her own pain... all of it paled in comparison to the thought of him potentially slipping away without knowing she'd been there, that she'd always been there, even when he couldn't see her.

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There was nothing she wouldn't endure. No distance she wouldn't cross. No sacrifice too great. In the quiet of her room, with no one to witness, Sarah let a single tear trace its way down her cheek. A silent testament to the depth of a love stronger than any force that dared stand in its way.

Watch Episode 19 Here:

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