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Chapter Sixteen: The Burden Of Atlas

At 04h00, the team assembled in the briefing room, each member focused and alert as they prepared for the upcoming mission. Steve and Tony stood at the head of the table, their eyes sweeping over the team.
“Alright, everyone, listen up,” Steve began, his voice commanding attention. “We’re deploying in two teams for this operation. Alpha Team—Stark, Banner, Barton—will handle the infiltration at the target site while the rest of us, Bravo Team, remain here for support and extraction.”

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Around the table, the members of Bravo Team exchanged nods, their expressions serious and determined. Steve continued, outlining the objectives and contingencies.
“We’ve got a tight window for this. Alpha Team will secure the target and await our signal for extraction. Our job is to maintain communication and readiness. Gear up, check your equipment, and be prepared for any scenario.”
As Steve spoke, the team members dispersed, moving with purpose to gather their gear and make final preparations. In the armoury, weapons were checked and loaded, tactical vests secured, and communication devices synchronised. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation and camaraderie as each member focused on their individual tasks, knowing that their success depended on seamless coordination and trust in their team leaders.
Steve watched over the team with a keen eye, his own preparations underway as he finalised mission protocols and communication channels. Despite having a “mission” of his own later that day, he exuded a calm confidence that instilled reassurance in his teammates.

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Outside, the faint sound of the Quinjet’s engines signalled the imminent departure of Alpha Team. Steve glanced at his watch, mentally synchronising their timelines. Soon, they would be in motion, each Avenger fulfilling their role in the larger operation.
“Hey, Cap,” Sam approached Steve from behind, clearing his throat. “Not that it’s any of my business… And I know I promised her I wouldn’t say anything… Not to mention the legal implications of—”
“Wilson! Can we skip the preamble? I’m mentally running through concurrent missions over here.”
Steve’s outburst gave Sam pause, but with a deep inhale, Sam exhaled his next words in a rush.
“I think you’re making a mistake. I know you think you’re doing the right thing… And I suppose, in some twisted way, from the perspective of the higher-ups, you are. But this is a bit much.”
Steve scowled, flexing his jaw. Sam knew. There was no telling just how much he knew, but it was enough intel for him to mention the “higher-ups” Steve had been answering to for the last year or so. Not wanting to outright lie, Steve erred on the side of caution, lifting his gaze to meet Sam’s eyeline.

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“These are the consequences…”
After a moment, Sam realised that’s as much as he’s going to get from Steve; he wasn’t about to divulge any more. He scoffed at Steve’s acceptance of the situation, shaking his head incredulously.
“I’m sorry, but you’re taking this… this martyrdom too far. How do you not see that? And for what? Isn’t it enough that you’ve lost the woman you love?”
Steve hung his head as the harsh truth of Sam’s words swept over him. He didn’t see it as martyrdom; he was merely facing the consequences of his actions. Did that make him a “boy scout”, as Natasha so lovingly teased? Perhaps. But how was he supposed to be a leader if he didn’t lead by example?
Later, as Steve stepped through the imposing glass doors of the towering building, anxiety settled within. Dressed in civilian clothing, it was impossible to shake the feeling of vulnerability that clung to him. Without the protective shield of his uniform, he suddenly felt weak, defenceless, walking right into the lion’s den.
Despite the nagging doubts grating at the edges of his mind, Steve’s sense of duty propelled him forward, each step echoing in the lobby. He knew he had a role to play in the proceedings unfolding within the walls of the boardroom, a responsibility that outweighed his own apprehensions.
With a determined set to his jaw, Steve squared his shoulders and forged ahead, his strides purposeful as he made his way toward the boardroom where the legal team and important decisions awaited.

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His pulse quickened as he approached one of the few boardrooms in the building that used smart glass. The glass walls were set to an opaque state, preventing outsiders from looking in.
Steve took a deep breath as he entered the lavish boardroom, his heart hammering against his ribs like a caged bird. The legal team greeted him with rehearsed professionalism, their voices a steady hum against the backdrop of Steve’s racing thoughts.
Sharon was already seated at the table, offering him a reassuring smile as he took his seat opposite her. 
Amidst the legal documents spread out before them, and the gleam of silver pens, Steve felt as though the walls were closing in on him.

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“Captain Rogers, Agent Carter, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to meet with us today. Before we get started, are there any objections?”
As the Chief Legal Officer began with the customary pleasantries, the condescension of his words and tone grated on Steve’s nerves. Despite the formality of the setting, he couldn’t let the patronising tone slide without comment. With a measured voice that contradicted his indignation, Steve spoke up, his words cutting through the veneer of professionalism.
“I’d appreciate it if you skipped the patronisation,” Steve stated firmly, his gaze unwavering. “We all know I don’t have much of a choice in the matter.”
Then, without missing a beat, Sharon spoke too. “I agree with Captain Rogers. What he’s agreed to do is nothing short of selfless and heroic. The least we can do is give him the respect he so rightly deserves.”
The lawyer's expression flickered momentarily, caught off guard by their straightforward response. “My apologies, Captain. That was, most certainly, not my intention. We, at S.H.I.E.L.D., acknowledge and, uh… appreciate your loyalty and dedication to the agency.”
The legal team, a formidable group of sharp-eyed professionals, wasted no time in launching into the intricate details of the paperwork laid out before them, each clause and stipulation sounding like an echo in Steve’s ears. He struggled to keep up with the legal jargon flying back and forth, his mind reeling with rules and regulations being imposed upon him.
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Steve gulped, his mind swimming with conflicting emotions as his eyes fell on the only two-page document on the table in front of him.
“Contract of Matrimonial Agreement”
A myriad of memories flooded his mind like a relentless tide. Bittersweet recollections of times spent with Sarah. He remembered the first time they'd met, her nervous giggle, the way her eyes had sparkled.
There were glimpses of happier times, but interwoven with these fond memories were painful moments where time seemed to stand still.
“I swear, it’s as if you’re punishing me for leaving… What, pray tell, have I done to deserve that? What was so terrible?”
“I was crazy, out-of-my-mind besotted with you and you just left!”
Steve squeezed his eyes shut, wanting nothing more than to put a stop to the haunting reel of memories—Steve and Sarah, the story that never was, and never will be.
“Why are you marrying my sister?”
“What does it matter who I marry?”
“’Cause it’s supposed to be me!”
The universe and its sick sense of humour. Sure, this moment had been a long time coming. Steve had signed the Disciplinary Action Notice, S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Agreement to Adhere to Policies and Procedures, and, most recently, the Non-Disclosure Agreement. But this one, the Contract of Matrimonial Agreement, weighed on him like the burden of Atlas holding up the celestial heavens for eternity. The weight of this obligation bore down on him more than anything else he had faced, his dedication to the agency pressing him into a fate he never desired… and long before Sarah had returned.
With a heavy sigh of defeat, Steve grudgingly picked up the pen and scrawled his signature across the dotted line, sealing his fate once and for all. Feeling sick to his stomach, he pushed the documents back across the table, his jaw clenched in frustration. And without another word, he rose from his chair and stormed out of the conference room.

When Steve returned to the compound, it was clear he was on the warpath. As he passed by his colleagues, his demeanour was tense, his jaw clenched, and his gaze steely. He snapped at anyone who dared approach him, his voice biting.

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“Not now,” Steve barked, dismissing inquiries with curt gestures.
Junior agents who only knew him from afar, and were a tad intimidated by The Great Captain America, exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of how to approach their typically reliable leader in this volatile state. But Steve paid them no mind, his focus consumed by the turmoil raging within him.
In his office, Steve slammed the door shut behind him, the sound reverberating through the room. He sank heavily into his chair, running a frustrated hand through his hair as the unfamiliar feeling of powerlessness enveloped him.
Natasha and Sam, who deduced where he’d come from and what he’d just done, were the only two souls brave enough to enter the office.     
“You told Sam after I specifically asked you to keep it to yourself? Damn it, Romanoff, does the word confidential mean nothing to you?”
Natasha barely batted an eye at Steve lashing out at her. With her signature nonchalance, she crossed the room and grabbed a nearby seat.

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“In my defence, he was suspicious before I even said anything,” she shrugged. “Dude’s like a Bloodhound for drama. He sniffed it out ages ago.”
“Great. So much for the NDA.”
“Cap, listen… I promise not to say a word, alright. Not to Bucky, not to Sarah. Your secret’s safe with me.”
“Well, that makes one of you,” Steve muttered, rolling his eyes at Natasha.
“Hey! I was concerned for my friend, dumbass! Don’t make me regret befriending you.”
Ignoring the blatant scowl Steve and Nat shot each other, Sam asked, “How’d you get yourself into all this, anyhow? You’re such a by-the-book kinda guy.”
“A spat with Stark a few years ago…”
“Pfft. A spat?” Natasha snorted. “More like a war!”
Realising he may as well divulge the full story, Steve recalled the day Secretary Ross paid the team a visit at the compound.

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“It started with the Sokovia Accords… It was decided that we were no longer a private organisation. That we were to operate under the supervision of a U.N. panel, intervening only when and if the panel deemed it necessary. Tony and I struggled to see eye-to-eye on the matter. I felt that, by signing it, we were surrendering our right to choose. Whereas Tony, though not fully on board with relinquishing control, felt it was a way to keep the team together. Ultimately, frustration gave way to anger and resentment. We were like two ticking time-bombs…”
“Two stubborn-ass alpha males…? You both exploded, didn’t you?” Sam surmised, knowing full well just how hard-headed Steve and Tony could be.
“With the team trying to intervene, we inadvertently caused irrecoverable damage to the city. I honestly can’t say how or why we let it get so out of hand. The people completely lost their faith in us. Captain America, Iron Man, the Avengers as a whole… And then after the rioting on Capitol Hill, the government decided to shut us down. That was it for us.”
Sam glanced between Natasha and Steve, his mouth agape. “They obviously didn’t though, right? The team’s still together. What changed?”

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“S.H.I.E.L.D. turned around and threw a Hail Mary, hiring a PR firm to help save our “brand”. They facilitated community outreach programmes and initiatives to foster positive relationships between the team and the public, and arranged interviews, press releases, and the like to ensure transparency. We made charity work a priority between missions, and even spent time encouraging the kids of America…”
“And… that… worked…?” Sam raised an eyebrow, confused as to how this all led to Steve making such a monumental sacrifice.
“Yes, and no. Tony seemed to win the public over a lot easier. Later, after the firm resorted to focus groups to gather insight and better understand public perceptions, the opinion was almost unanimous… Tony’s a family man; easier to trust.”
“Wait, wait, wait, hold up… That’s why you’re shouldering this burden? You marry Carter, they make a big production of it, and everyone’s happy?” Sam’s shock turned to anger, unable to suppress his disgust with the system. “What about Sarah?”
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“They say people have responded well to the news,” Steve shrugged, ignoring Sam’s follow-up question. “Apparently, what my image needed was heart. A woman’s touch. A wife.”
“A woman’s touch? I don’t believe this…” Sam scoffed, turning to Nat for backup. But Natasha, who’s known to be rather mouthy in such situations, remained quiet, averting her gaze. “You’re telling me Steve Rogers is okay with his first marriage being nothing but a publicity stunt? I’m sorry, but I call bullshit!”

Watch Episode 16 Here:


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