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Chapter One: Blast From the Past

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Steve sat in his dimly lit office, nursing a lukewarm cup of coffee. As he absentmindedly flipped through the channels on his television, a familiar face flashed on the screen, causing him to freeze mid-sip. There she was, radiant as ever, her blonde locks cascading over her shoulders in waves of golden silk. Steve could almost smell the sweet scent of her perfume, as if she was right there with him. Sarah Carter, the girl who had once held his heart in the palm of her hand, was now gracing the screens of millions across the country. Steve couldn’t help but feel a pang of nostalgia as he watched her being interviewed about her return to New York City.

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“Sarah, rumour has it you’re returning to New York to work on a secret project? Care to shed some light on that?” the interviewer asked, his voice filled with excitement.

Sarah smiled, her eyes sparkling with determination and nostalgia. “Well, New York is my home. It’ll always hold a special place in my heart. I don’t need an agenda to return. Half of my family’s still up there… My friends are there…”

Steve couldn’t tear his eyes away from the screen as Sarah spoke. Despite the years that had passed since they last saw each other, her presence still had the power to captivate him like no one else could. He couldn’t help but wonder if there was more to her sudden return.

“…My first love is there too…” A faint blush tinged Sarah’s cheeks as she laughed nervously.

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Steve felt the familiar feeling of disappointment overwhelm him at Sarah’s words. Part of him had secretly hoped she was referring to him, that he was her “first love”. But as memories of their parting scurried through his mind, he knew that couldn’t be the case.

As the interview came to an end, Steve switched off the television, his mind abuzz with thoughts of Sarah. He couldn’t deny the surge of emotions that had resurfaced at the sight of her, nor could he ignore the undeniable truth that she still held a special place in his heart.

Tony Stark was in his workshop, tinkering away at one of his latest inventions, when the sound of heavy footsteps interrupted his concentration. He looked up to see Nick Fury striding purposefully towards him, his expression grave.

"What's up?" Tony asked, setting down his tools, giving Fury his full attention.

Fury wasted no time getting to the point. "Stark, I need to discuss a very sensitive, confidential matter with you.”

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“I’m listening…”

“It’s Sarah. She’s, uh, in a bit of a pickle and needs our help.”

Tony's brow furrowed in confusion. Sarah? Sarah Carter? He hadn’t heard that name in five years. Merely hearing her name brought back images of the drama that had unfolded soon after her unceremonious departure.

“Come on, don’t look at me like that. For all intents and purposes, the girl’s family.”

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Tony's confusion deepened. "I can’t understand why you’re so hell bent on helping this kid. This is the path she chose.
She turned down her family’s legacy.”

“Did you not hear the ‘family’ bit? They’ve sacrificed so much for us. For S.H.I.E.L.D.. It’s the least we can do.”

“You wanna talk about sacrifice? My father—”

“Yes, Howard was a brilliant man. And S.H.I.E.L.D. wouldn’t be what it is today without him. But right now, we’re not talking about the Starks. We’re talking about Sarah.” Fury sighed, his patience wearing thin.

Tony rolled his eyes, already feeling irritated by the thought of having to deal with Sarah's antics. "Last time I checked, she was nothing but trouble… But yeah. Fine. Whatever. Where is she?"

Fury fixed Tony with a steely gaze. “Actually… she’s already en route.”

“And nobody else knows…?”

“No, I thought I’d give you the honour.”

Tony couldn't shake the anxiety that lingered in the back of his mind. Something told him that Sarah Carter's return was going to bring more trouble than they bargained for.

Sarah stepped off the plane, feeling the weight of a hundred eyes on her as she made her way through the bustling airport. Flashes of cameras illuminated her path, blinding her momentarily as she tried to navigate through the sea of paparazzi and eager fans.

"Sarah, over here!" a voice called out, followed by a barrage of questions.

"How does it feel to be back in New York?"

"Are you excited to see the team again?"

"Can you confirm the pregnancy rumours?"

Sarah gritted her teeth, ignoring the invasive questions as she focused on reaching the safety of her waiting car. She could feel the intensity of the paparazzi's gaze, their hungry eyes dissecting her every move as if searching for a juicy headline to exploit.

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"Sarah, a word please!" another voice shouted, cutting through the chaos. "Are you and Steve Rogers rekindling a romance?"

Sarah's heart skipped a beat at the mention of Steve's name, her pulse quickening with anticipation and dread. She knew that her return to New York would inevitably reignite speculation about their past relationship, but she hadn't expected the paparazzi to be so relentless in their pursuit of a story.

Ducking behind her bodyguards, Sarah quickened her pace, weaving through the crowd as she tried to shake off the persistent paparazzi. She could feel their probing stares burning into her skin, their questions like daggers aimed straight at her heart.

"Sarah, just one comment!" a voice pleaded, sounding almost desperate. "Did you leave because you were pregnant?"

Sarah clenched her fists, resisting the urge to lash out as she finally reached the safety of her waiting car. With a sigh of relief, she slid into the backseat, the tinted windows shielding her from the prying eyes of the paparazzi.

As the car pulled away from the curb, Sarah leaned back against the seat and shut her eyes, willing her racing heart to calm. She knew that her return to New York was going to be anything but easy, but she was determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead. And if that meant dodging invasive questions from the paparazzi every step of the way, then so be it. Sarah Carter was ready to reclaim her place in the spotlight and transform her career, no matter the cost.

Later that evening, the Avengers compound was alive with music, laughter, and the clinking of glasses as Tony Stark spared no expense in throwing one of his signature extravagant parties. 

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Sam ascended the staircase with Steve, watching the festivities with a sceptical eye as he sipped his drink. He couldn't shake the feeling that Tony was up to something, their usually boisterous friend acting unusually secretive and guarded.

"Something's not right," Sam muttered, surveying the crowd with a furrowed brow. “If Tony was delivering good news, he’d have done so right there and then. But this…? Nah, man’s about to drop a bomb on us. I can feel it.”

Before Steve could respond, their attention was drawn to the bar across the room where a familiar figure stood, sipping a martini with an air of effortless elegance.

Sam squinted. "Wait, who is that with Nat at the bar?”

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“That, my friend, would be the bomb you were waiting expecting...”

"Well, well, well. The prodigal daughter returns," Natasha purred from behind the bar counter, a sly smirk playing on her lips. “Tired of being rich and famous already?”

“Shame on you, Nat. I thought you said I was always welcomed here,” Sarah pouted.

“And you are! Always. I’m just a little concerned… Have you given this serious thought? You left behind quite a mess.”
Sarah’s smile faltered momentarily. But, having been trained to always, always, always smile at the camera, she regained composure. “I have.”

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“Well, good luck… Something tells me you’re gonna need it.”

Steve took a deep breath, steeling himself as he made his way through the crowded room towards the bar where Sarah stood alone, her expression guarded. He couldn't deny the nervous flutter in his chest as he approached her. Five years' worth of unspoken words, unresolved feelings, and a hint of resentment between them.

"Hey, Peaches," Steve greeted her with a tentative smile, trying to sound casual despite the turmoil roiling within him. "Never thought I'd ever see you again."

Instead of the warm reception he had hoped for, Steve was met with an unexpected chill from Sarah. She sighed in exasperation, rolling her eyes ever so slightly as she turned to face him.

"Please refrain from calling me that," she warned, her tone clipped and cold. “It was years ago. And I’m not the same girl I was back then.”

Steve felt a pang of hurt at her dismissive tone, but he pushed it aside, determined to keep the conversation civil. “You look like the same girl to me, Sarah.”

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“I’m not. Now be a good boy and scamper off.”

For a moment, the two of them stood in tense silence. Steve could feel the tension crackling between them, those unspoken words threatening to spill over at any moment.

Finally, unable to bear the silence any longer, Steve spoke up, his voice tinged with hurt and frustration. "I'm sorry, are you forgetting that you ran out on me the next morning?" he asked, his words coming out sharper than he had intended.

Sarah's expression hardened at his accusation, her jaw tightening as she met his gaze head-on. "And that's the best decision I've ever made," she replied, her voice cold and resolute.

Steve felt like he had been punched in the gut at her words, the sting of rejection cutting deep into his heart. He watched in silence as Sarah turned away from him, her gaze fixed on the twinkling lights of the party around them.

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With a heavy sigh, Steve knew that there was nothing more to be said. Turning on his heel, he walked away, his heart heavy with the weight of what could have been. As he disappeared into the crowd, Sarah's words echoed in his mind, a painful reminder of the gulf that still lay between them.

Watch Episode 1 Here:

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